Get Out of Your Head

Get some outside your own head help.
When you are writing anything, it is easy to get cloistered and wrapped up in your own head.
And while you may have had this idea for an e-book for years and have been noodling away at it on napkins at restaurants for the last five years, if no one else looks at it, then it may not be worth its weight in gigabytes.
This is a critical step in the writing process for both fiction and nonfiction writers.
Part of the freedom and glory of blogging is that there are no editors or authorities to filter your voice. 
But in a dynamic selling environment, where you will be giving away an e-book consisting of your best ideas, you want to put your best foot forward and an editor will help you do that.
As usual, a professional beats an amateur, but sometimes, crowd editing (like crowd funding) can serve as an awesome way to let others in on what you are doing, as well as tap into the vast resource of the internet 
known as the collective mind.
Is it scary?
But so is never adding to the world in a positive way.
Getting an editor—whether it be the crowd or a former disgruntled journalist—can be a scary, expensive proposition.
But not as scary as the long-term effects of choosing not to communicate effectively.
Here at HSCT, we can help you explore the how to communicate effectively safely and thoroughly.
Sign upfor the March 26th HSCT Seminar, Choices in Communication, held at The Studios of Bree Elyse Imaging for only $89.99!
Click on the link to register!
We would love to see you there!
-Peace Be With You All-
Jesan Sorrells, MA
Principal Conflict Engagement Consultant
Human Services Consulting and Training (HSCT)
Email HSCT:

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