[Podcast] Earbud_U Episode #7 – Shalin Sirkar

Earbud_U Episode #7- Shalin Sirkar – Filmmaker, Social Shaker, Visionary, Feminist, Creative Whirlwind



The process of making a film is collaborative, fulfilling and, at the end of the day, really, really hard.

Shalin Sirkar is an international filmmaker, feminist and politically active visionary who is seeking to make films and create a vision that tells the truth of the world, as she sees it.

She is also a painter, a writer and a person who has stepped out of her comfort zone over and over again to mold a world. And to help others create visions for themselves.

We met Shalin via Twitter, so we would say that she is also a collaborative communicator and a person who knows how to navigate the new, uncharted worlds of social media and social innovation.

Connect with Shalin Sirkar via her website: http://www.shalinsirkar.com/shalinsirkar.com/Welcome.html

Follow Shalin Sirkar on Twitter: https://twitter.com/shalinsirkar

Shalin Sirkar’s Film Company on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChaliaFilms

Chalia Films Website: http://www.chalia.co.za/chalia.co.za/Home.html

Film Contact for Chalia Films:  http://www.filmcontact.com/member/shalin-sirkar


Check Shalin & Chalia Films on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChaliaFilms?fref=nf

Check out the interview below the blue panel, or download it via Soundcloud, coming soon ->

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[Podcast] Earbud_U Episode #6 – London Ladd

Earbud_U Episode #6- London Ladd Children’s Book Illustrator, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Man of Many Colors, Valiant Warrior in the War on Art



Illustration and the arts are not hard to understand. But we have fetishized the artist and his work process, when, in reality, most artists are just as normal as everyone else. They have conflicts, disputes and experience frustrations in working with clients.

London Ladd is an illustrator, entrepreneur, speaker and much, much more. We met this man on a missions trip to Oklahoma in 2013 and we have kept track of his changing career as he has morphed and changed his approach to art, life and business.

The author, Steven Pressfield was right, there is a war on art, but it’s not fought in the way that we think it is.

I think that London is trying to mount a forward action in the war on art….

But let’s be clear…

The war on art begins with the distractions and interruptions of everyday life that cause people to avoid doing their best work and serve as excuses for not getting ahead.

The war on art begins when artists, creative people, engineers, supervisors and others begin to believe that inspiration comes only at special times, rather than when the butt hits the seat.

The war on art begins when anybody stops following their long-term guiding principles, in favor of a short term payday.

But London is winning his own war on art, but in his own way, with his own tools and in his own time.

A man of many colors, indeed…

Connect with London Ladd via his website: http://www.londonladd.com

Follow London Ladd on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LondonLLadd

London Ladd’s Agency on Twitter: https://twitter.com/painted_words

London Ladd’s Work Process: Man of Many Colors Video

London Ladd’s Painted Words Blog + Portfolio:  http://painted-words.com/portfolio/london-ladd/


Check out his images on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaintedWordsNYC

Check out the interview below the blue panel, or download it via Soundcloud, coming soon ->

Download the Latest Episode of Earbud_U!

[Opinion] The Voice

Before there was ever the written word, there was the voice that was heard.

Earbud_U Promo Art #1

The oral tradition of storytelling has along and ancient pedigree, dating back to the dawn of humanity and continuing on through this day.

We have invented tools to record or musings, our hopes, our dreams, our poetry, our songs, our defiance and our place.

The human voice carries meaning with which the written word can never fully compete.

And in the new world of podcasting, the technology for recording the spoken word and transmitting it to hundreds and thousands of people has never been less expensive.

We are living through a Renaissance of podcasting as the field expands (11 million podcasts at last count) and as the field does so, more and more people looking to find an audience, gather a tribe, and make some noise, are going to get on the bandwagon.

We’ve been diligently working on Season Two of Earbud_U, the conflict engagement podcast, bringing together interviews with people from various backgrounds and with various experiences, and asking them the ultimate questions, ultimately.

But, Season One is about halfway through and your can hear all of the episodes, featuring all of our guests, by clicking on the links below:

Earbud_U, Episode #1 – Darren MacDonald

Earbud_U, Episode #2 – Jared Campbell

Earbud_U, Episode #3 – Brad Heckman

Earbud_U, Episode #4 – Elin Barton

Earbud_U, Episode #5 – Diane Lange

Earbud_U, Episode #6 – London Ladd


-Peace Be With You All-

Jesan Sorrells, MA
Principal Conflict Engagement Consultant
Human Services Consulting and Training (HSCT)
Email HSCT: jsorrells@hsconsultingandtraining.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HSConsultingandTraining
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Sorrells79
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jesansorrells/

[Podcast] Earbud_U Episode #5 – Diane Lange

Earbud_U Episode #5- Diane Lange Owner & Founder, Proclivity, LLC., Entrepreneur,Organizational Development Consultant, Corporate Trainer, Author & Blogger



There are times that I talk with people in fields associated with mine, who are doing things in a different way than I am doing them but are getting the same—or even better—results than I am.

I think that this interest comes about because I am inherently a generalist in a world of specialists.  I think that my interest also stems from being deeply ensconced in the interdisciplinary aspects of conflict resolution and reconciliation.

As human beings in an economic and social world, only beginning to recover from the hangover of the Industrial Revolution, our responsibility is to be interdisciplinary.

We can’t know everything, that’s the point of the social web; but we also have a responsibility to make as many connections between disparate pieces of information as is humanely possible.

That’s where organizational development and conflict resolution practitioners can really shine, because in a world of specialists, sometimes it takes a broad thinking generalist to make the connections that many organizations can’t—and won’t—make.

Diane Lange has taken some time away from Proclivity, LLC, but she is always going to be an entrepreneur, a founder and an active thinker. You should get her into your organization.

Here’s all the ways to connect with her:

Diane Lange & Proclivity, LLC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProclivitlLlc?sk=info&tab=overview

Diane Lange on Twitter: https://twitter.com/prodiane

Diane Lange on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dianelange

Proclivity, LLC Website & Blog: http://proclivityllc.com/

Self-Directed Leadership: http://proclivityllc.com/self-directed-leadership/

Download the Latest Episode of Earbud_U!

[Podcast] Earbud_U Episode #3 – Brad Heckman

[Podcast] Earbud_U Episode #3 – Brad Heckman, CEO New York Peace Institute, Twitter Guerrilla, Blogger

[Podcast] Earbud_U- Episode #3-Brad Heckman


This is not your typical podcast around conflict resolution and peace building, but my background is as a divorce and family mediator.

As such, I am fascinated by people who do this work, but I am also interested in how all of this intersects with entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is hard. Just as hard as building peace between people.

Brad Heckman, the CEO of the New York Peace Institute, is doing great work in combining the two together and my talk with him was unique.

We focused on a lot of areas, but the big thing that we focused on was his background, perspective and approach to peace.

Look, the New York Peace Institute and Brad Heckman are doing great stuff in the marketing space as well and is expanding his footprint all over the Interwebs, including Twitter, where he is a grandmaster of Tweeting.

Check out the links below and look into his work.

The New York Peace Institute: http://nypeace.org/

Brad on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hecksign

NYPI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/newyorkpeace

Brad’s Blog, The Hecklist: http://thehecklist.wordpress.com/

Check out Brad’s Interview on Soundcloud here–>http://www.soundcloud.com/jesan-sorrells/episode-3-brad-heckman-final

Download the Latest Episode of Earbud_U!

[Podcast] Earbud_U Episode #2 – Jared Campbell

[Podcast] Earbud_U Episode #2- Jared Campbell, Crossover Musician, The Blue Project Founder, Chris Farly Impersonator

[Podcast] Earbud_U_ Episode #2 -Jared Campbell


Very rarely does a creative individual cross over successfully from one genre to another.

Musicians rarely do this going from Christian music to secular music. Jared Campbell is amazingly talented and gifted musician who has moved seamlessly through performing in Christian venues all the way through producing children’s albums.

He’s also on a path to prevent bullying in high schools and middle schools by striking at the core of the bullying issue: the interior of people.

Jared is doing the most transformative work possible: He’s changing the world through his talent, his message and his calling to a Higher purpose. This is the greatest, most difficult challenge possible.

He’s doing great work in a number of different areas, but please connect with him about the Blue Project and via his website, by following the links below:

The Blue Project: http://jcblueproject.com/

Jared Campbell: http://jaredcampbell.com/

Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/artist/jared-campbell/id283111388

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jcampbelltweet

The Myspace Page: https://myspace.com/jaredcampbell

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaredcampbellfans

Check out the interview below!

Or, check it out on Soundcloud here–>https://soundcloud.com/jesan-sorrells/earbud_u-episode-2-heyitsjaredcampbell

Download the Latest Episode of Earbud_U!

[Podcast] Earbud_U Episode #1 – Darren MacDonald

[Podcast] Earbud_U Episode #1 – Darren MacDonald, Corporate Consultant, Start-Up Investor, Web Commerce Guru

[Podcast] Earbud _U Episode #1 - Darren Macdonald


Occasionally, you get top start on a project that is the beginning of a new direction and my interview here with Darren MacDonald, is the perfect example of that beginning interview.

Darren is funny, engaged and a totally great guy overall. And whiplash smart.

He worked in the bottled gas field with a family business for almost twenty years, and knows a thing or two about conflict and engaging with it effectively and not ruffling feathers.

He’s involved in a ton of projects and it’s always a laugh riot when we get together. I loved talking to him and he’s the only guest on Earbud_U to get a “Director’s Cut,” which I will release…someday…soon…

Feel free to connect with Darren via LinkedIn

His website & blog: http://darrenmacdonald.com/

His presence on Quora: http://www.quora.com/Darren-MacDonald#

On Twitter: https://twitter.com/upwordz

Check out the interview above!

Or, link to Soundcloud here–>https://soundcloud.com/jesan-sorrells/earbud_u-episode-1-it-all-comes-down-to-darren-macdonald

Download the Latest Episode of Earbud_U!

[Podcast] Nothing Is What It Seems – The Earbud_U Minute

As our world becomes more and more driven by the visual, and less and less driven by the written word, we seem to have forgotten a basic truth.

As we rush toward the immediate, the sensory, the brief and as we give reign to attention spans that are shaped and dominated by “noise” of endless messaging, we have forgotten a basic truth.

As people become more and more visual and less and less literal—and as our level of patience, persistence and grit decreases—we have forgotten a basic truth.

People, tribes, cultures, organizations and even countries used to place value in symbolism—sometimes, even over the substance of the content around, behind and beneath the symbols themselves.

This old knowledge of, and reverence for, symbols, has become debased in the direction of narrative and the cynicism of optics, where perceptions and framing stand in substitution for symbols and meaning.

As people, tribes, cultures, organizations and even countries, hurl ever closer to the man made glory of a singular, technologically dominated future, we would do well to remember that symbols—beyond flags, colors, phrases or even ritualized acts—still have meaning.

Meaning so deep that they drive our deepest interaction with, and understanding of, our emotions, our assumptions and even our creations, in the world that we are busily—and distractedly—birthing into reality.

-Peace With You All-

Jesan Sorrells, MA
Principal Conflict Engagement Consultant
Human Services Consulting and Training (HSCT)
Email HSCT: jsorrells@hsconsultingandtraining.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HSConsultingandTraining
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Sorrells79
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesansorrells/

[Podcast] HIT Piece 11.18.2014: 3 Announcements + Links

I am proud to announce that there are 3 new project developments in the world of Human Services Consulting and Training:

I am busy this month, January and February, doing interviews on radio and  via podcast, getting the word out about Human Services Consulting and Training’s launch in January 2015 of the ongoing podcast series, Earbud_U.

This podcast will start, Netflix-like, by dropping 12, pre-recorded interviews featuring artists, film directors, illustrators, and perhaps even my wife, on January 15th.

I have also recently agreed to begin writing two, 500 word blog posts per month for the online alternative dispute resolution journal, ADRTimes.com.

I consider them to be (as do many others in the ADR field) the “New York Times” of ADR and I am very excited to be distributing content focused around marketing philosophies, techniques and best practices for ADR professionals. Please check them out here.

Finally, I will be delivering the keynote address and also performing a breakout sessions with the attendees at the BOLD Conference at Ithaca College, focused on the topic of “Negotiating with Outrageous Confidence.”

This is the second year that I have been invited to present and speak at this conference, focused on developing the skills and strategies of future business leaders and influencers, and I am happy to be invited.

And, considering how many women and minorities don’t negotiate at all (or negotiate nervously, poorly, or from any other untenable position) negotiating with outrageous confidence is the only way to go. At least, that’s what I think…

-Peace Be With You All-

Jesan Sorrells, MA
Principal Conflict Engagement Consultant
Human Services Consulting and Training (HSCT)
Email HSCT: jsorrells@hsconsultingandtraining.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HSConsultingandTraining
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Sorrells79
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jesansorrells/